Proudly supporting Green Schools
We’ve partnered with the Green-Schools student led programme to promote long-term, whole-school and wider community action for the environment.
+ 1200 clothes pods
Since 1992 we’ve grown our network to 1200 clothes pods across Ireland. Chances are there’s a clothes pod near you today.
27 years of experience
Promoting and actioning the reuse and re-ware of used clothing since 1992, ensuring that the environment is respected at all times.
Award winning impact
Winners of the 2008 South Dublin Chamber business in the community Award and the 2010 FAS Employ Ability Employer Award
How we give a new purpose to your old clothes?
Here at Clothes Pod we believe it is important to recycle clothes cleverly as certain items may present particular problems to landfill sites. Our clothing of high quality is collected then transported around the world for re-wear and recycling rather than dumped at overflowing landfill sites. So the clothes you’re tired of get a new lease of life and you’re helping to sustain the environment.